Monday, December 10, 2007

My cuties....

It was sooo nice out today, we couldn't pass up taking some pictures in the snow could we??? I can't believe how big they are getting... they look so much older to me in this picture :)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Something Different.....

Since I've been so terrible at updating my blog every day... I thought it might be fun to turn the tables on you.... my blog visitors :) So please.... ask me any questions you would like! I don't care if they are personal, or photography related.... ask away and I will answer them in tomorrow's post! ASK ANYTHING you might be curious about!!! Also.... once I get to 10,000 hits on my blog (not too far away now...) I will be announcing something new and special... and also giving something cool away :) :) :) Stay tuned!!!!


... and one more of Avery from yesterday!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I've been a bad, bad blogger.....

Definately the busy season as a photographer! Getting orders, printing, and delivering is taking up much of my time.... I'm almost done for this season :) It's so fun packaging your orders and delivering them... now I just need to find time to get my own family pictures done, and Christmas cards made and mailed out! Yikes... time is running out!!! Took out my camera to play a bit today and got a few silly pics of my kids. Since I haven't shared any for awhile, I'll post them here! It's a good week to be inside working, we got a HUGE dump of snow! So happy I got my trip to the city for xmas shopping done before the storm hit.... you could literally see the grass in our yard when I left for the city last week, and in a few days... well, see the picture below. Winter is definately here....

Jaden making BIG EYES after I asked him to stop squinting them.... lol... not sure this was much better! ha....


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gone Christmas Shopping!

FOR THREE WHOLE DAYS!!! Be back Saturday night.... have a good weekend!

Prepare to laugh...

More so if you know me well! I can't believe I'm sharing this on my blog... but I haven't taken any pictures in my house the last few days.... so you get this! hehehhehe Try not to laugh too hard! This is Rene and I, and my parents....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Baby "T"

SUCH a good baby! Did I already mention that??? He was sooo good and so sweet! He was awake for part of our session and then he drifted off into la-la land for a few shots :)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Only something a Daddy would do .... ;)

I must say.... my kids have an amazing daddy. But only when Daddy is responsible for tucking them into bed, would he give them CHOCOLATE in their beds before they fall asleep!!!! lol..... I went out last night to an Epicure party (yumm!!) and told him that Avery did not have a nap, and would need to go to bed around 7:45ish... not to wait to late, or it will be really hard getting her to sleep. I even asked that bedtime snack be strawberries as they had a lot of halloween candy in the last few days. WELL>........ I woke up to Avery crying in her sleep... so I went to check on her. I freaked out!!! I thought she had blood all over her face, or had she been sick??? I brought her to the sink in the bathroom to find CHOCOLATE ALL OVER HER face and neck and hands!!!!! Oh my poor girl. She was so tired, and daddy had given her chocolate when she went to bed at 8:30. She probably fell asleep right in it. So what does any normal mother do? She leaves her crying girl at the sink to go find her camera..... PROOF for daddy, and a reminder to never give them chocolate IN THEIR beds again!!!!!!! I washed her up, changed her bedding and tucked her back into bed. She fell straight to sleep. I'm not even sure she'll remember this in the morning? I think Daddy is feeling pretty bad right now, but we love him. The kids probably thought it was soooo cool that daddy let them go to bed with chocolate! ;) The kids will have a good laugh today when I show them the pictures.... hehehehheh. Thx for letting me share! Have a good weekend! *pictures taken at 1am*

Friday, November 16, 2007

I scrapbooked!

I needed to make something tonight.... and it's been SO long since I've scrapbooked.... so I did a quick layout about avery in playchool. The challenge over at was to do a Layout using paint. I'm SO not a great scrapbooker, but I still want to have a few albums for my kids to look back on some day :) Thx for looking!

Monday, November 12, 2007

{Sneak Peak}

Thanx guys for letting me be part of your special day!!! I had so much fun :)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Have A Good Weekend!

Just some quick snapshots of my kids on Halloween! It was so great this year, no snow, no ice... lot's of sun still! :) They had so much fun.... and to be honest, so did I!! It was a bit hectic, but well worth it! We went into the city a month early and spent hours in the mall going from store to store trying on costumes... we had so much fun. Jaden picked out the Skeleton Pirate and Avery picked the Butterfly. Her skirt is sooo freakin cute, I'll have to take some better pictures later! (please excuse the mess and shadows that go along with these snapshots!)
Have a great weekend! The kids and I are heading to Plamondon for the long weekend. I get to photograph my first wedding there and can't wait, I'm praying the weather is nice :)
Be back Monday!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Taking a break....

FROM PROOFING :) It's been busy!!! I actually *sighed* out loud when I opened this image of Kendra's baby boy, just had to share! Now back to work for me... if you are waiting to hear back from me I am going to phone EVERYONE today and tomorrow!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Old Pictures..

Just looking back at some old pictures today... these all made me smile! I love my kids :) You might have seen these before, but they might look a bit different this time around... thx for looking!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I am trying!

To post pictures!! But blogger just isn't letting me....."Server Error".... I'll try again in the morning!
I can't believe that it's 9:45pm and I AM STILL UP! WOOOHOOOO.... these *late* nights are rare these days ;)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BIG post.....

starting with just this one... ;) this is a 5x10 storyboard that is mounted and coated to ensure longevity. Storyboards are offered in 3 different sizes: 5x10, 12x12 and 10x20 They are sooo cool, I love them! They can be customized to suit the images you pick, and any words in any font can be added. There are other fun templates to pick from as well... please ask if you are interested!

Monday, October 15, 2007

For Fun...

Took a 5min break today and played with this picture... I know it's really fake, but the kids thought it was neat! I think it's kinda cute too.... something different! I messed up the wand... but you get the idea!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another Cutie!

So cute at this age... and oh so curious! Looking everywhere but at the camera :) I got a few of those beautiful eyes looking around in wonder. This lil guy is full of expressions !!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Had to share...

From my Monday night session.... a family with 3 busy boys...... Got so many candid shots, here is one that I thought was priceless! Just a teaser for mom ;) more to come soon!

{Engagement Session}

So FUN!!
What a fun date, to photograph 2 people so in love...and ready to get married :) Next November to be exact, and I feel so special that they asked me to photograph their very special day! It's going to be awesome, I can't wait!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Random Snapshots of our family

I was helper mom for Avery's playschool class last week, they were painting with their hands.. some of them thought it was so wrong, it was great watching them get into it! Avery loved it!

Yup! That is Jaden and Avery on the ice!! First time EVER, and they loved it! Surprisingly since they fell on their bums more times then I can count!
Rene turning 29 last week!
When I was helper mom for Avery, I snuck over to Jaden's class and him and his buddy Jacob gave me some pretty funny faces!

My kids! It's so hard to post these because they aren't WOW pictures, but they are my kids doing what they do...and because we have family who look at my blog, I wanted to share a few new ones! Thx for looking, and have a really good long weekend.

To everyone waiting for their proofs, I will be looking to see whose are up tomorrow and sending out emails with your album name and password. If you don't hear from me over the weekend, then it might be because they aren't posted yet. Some of you might have to wait until Wednesday of next week. If you have any questions please email me, I will be checking it throughout the weekend!