Monday, June 30, 2008

Blog Winner!


Or Color?


Amanda was a blog winner to a contest I held a few months ago... we were able to get together last week for a family fun session :) Here are a few for you Amanda, it was fun working with you guys!

*Summer 2008*




.........more to come!

I'm Back!

Gone 10 days, but it felt like a good 2 weeks! Enjoyed it, but again I am happy to sleep in my own bed :) I'm always surprised how much I love my house when I come home after being away, and it always feels nice to fall back into our 'normal' routine.........for a few days anyway ;) I am really excited for the day that we move back to our home town of Plamondon. It seems crazy and stupid to be constantly packing and unpacking...and invading my mom and dad's space. We love going back home so much, but it will be even better when we have our own place to call home, and visiting our parents will only require a baby bag, and not 5 suitcases and a million garbage bags full of stuff we *NEED* (I tend to over We thought life would be easier if we bought a camper, and just stayed in it when we visit...................... w r o n g. It just means more packing, unpacking...and a smaller place to 'live' in. I think camping is best when it is done in a campsite, and not in a field, or parked beside a house. It is also probably more fun and less hectic to go camping without a newborn. Don't get me wrong, Cohen was beyond good.. he really was, considering. But remember all those little things that come with a baby?!? Basket for all his blankets, warm clothes, less clothes, shoes, bibs, bottles, formula, bottled water to make the bottles, diapers, wipes... oh the list never ends! Anyway, we are now home in Whitecourt, and the plan is to be home here until my brother in laws wedding July 12th........and then we'll be on the road again :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

OY, what a day!



Never thought this day would end .................. it was a fussy day for Cohen, first one since he's been born so I should feel really lucky about that! He wouldn't settle into a decent nap all day, and when he was awake he was pretty fussy. So finally at 9:00 tonight, after going for 3 LONG drives during the day, he fell asleep. I always need that 'down time' before I can go to bed, so I found a few pictures from the fair and thought I'd share them. Have a good weekend!! I'm off to bed, and going camping tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My bags are packed, and I'm ready to go!

Well not really.... ha ha ha. Packing up for our family of 5 takes that much longer...and I dread all the work that needs to be done tomorrow so that we can get to Plamondon before midnight. We are taking 2 vehicles.... are we crazy? yes. Actually the reason for taking 2 vehicles is because Rene goes back to work Monday, and I am going to stay at my grandma's cabin and my mom's for the week. Why not? We wanted to go back the following weekend for my youngest brother Sam's graduation. So although there is a lot of work to be done tomorrow, I feel it's easier to pack up for 2 weeks rather then pack/unpack, pack/unpack, pack/unpack... yeah... that's right. We have a few more reasons to be back in our hometown this summer. Rene's brother is getting married in July, and it is also the 100yr anniversary for the town. August brings us back for the annual fish derby and Pow Wow in LLB, where we camp at my friend Renee's campsite with my Mom and Dad. Middle of August is MY TEN YEAR HIGHSCHOOL REUNION............C A R a Z Y!!! We are looking forward to another wedding out of town, although not in Plamondon at the end of July for our good friend Victor, and one IN Plamondon in September. Ya'll must think I'm crazy, because my kids never used to travel well...and still not that great. Cohen is proving to be better then his siblings however. Avery, my girl who still naps at the age of 4 (DAILY) will go the whole 3 hours AT NAP TIME and stay awake! As they get older, they are better at amusing themselves and passing the time, but I can't figure out how her and Jaden manage to fight the sleep for that long.
Soooooooooooooooooooooo if I seem to be MIA over the next few weeks, I am doing okay.... I might be suffering from computer withdrawls while camping...but that's the whole point of it! :) IF anyone wants to get a hold of me... feel free to msg me on facebook, or send an email to I will definately be checking in on my cell, and at my mom's! Yes, I still call it camping....and somewhat of a holiday... but I could not feel 'normal' without some contact with the outside world.
I promise to bring home a lot of pictures to share! ;)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm getting good at posting daily again =)

10 things that made me happy today:
*Cohen had a REALLY good day... a really good sleepy day, and when he was awake I could talk him into grinning, cooing and a few little smiles :)
*Jaden and Avery made me really nice pictures this morning...and spent more then 5 seconds working on them ;)
*I saw a sweet couple holding hands while standing in line at Tim Hortons, the best part was that they were at least 65
*I booked 2 summer sessions
*I bought WHITE face cloths and they are soft and fluffy.... they can also get bleached and come out WHITE again!
*I did two loads of laundry today... this has been my daily goal, and 3rd day in a row getting it done!
*Looked at house plans ;)
*Walked around Walmart for an hour and bought 2 things, and chatted with 2 friends I ran into.
*Enjoyed a quiet afternoon, doing what I love.... editing pictures!





I have to add an 11th thing that made me happy today!
I'm an ebay freak... and it always makes my day when we get a parcel in the mail :) Avery is trying on this dress and I think it's sooo here's a snapshot of that!

Have a good Wednesday, thx for visiting my blog!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My little mini-me!

I got this beautiful new camera strap from My Camera Couture Beautiful work, and fast FREE shipping! I was putting the strap on my back up camera and Avery asked if she could take my picture with my camera since I had "an extra one" I love how it turned out... my little mini me!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Just one more..


She never seems to mind me taking her picture.... Jaden on the other hand.... :( I'll get him soon though, I need a few of him while he's still five!

Have a good weekend!

Adrienne =)

1 month already!

Can you believe my lil boy is already a month old?!

Playing around...


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Before Kazia's arrival!




Her Mommy and Daddy had me come over to capture some special moments while they anxiously awaited the arrival of their 3rd child. I thought I had posted these already on my blog, but I couldn't find them anywhere?! Sorry if you have already seen these! I think I may still be suffering from baby brain! ;)
:) adrienne

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A new baby girl....

Introducing....................................... KAZIA!

This little girl did so awesome and her and I got along great! :)
Just going through the session now, and had to post these 2 images, more to come!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Fun Weekend!

My brother and sister in law and their 2 kids came to spend the weekend with us, and we had a lot of fun! Thursday the men stayed home and built my kids a swing set, while us woman took *ALL* the kids to the city and went shopping, enjoyed some awesome Cookies By George, and shopped some more. My hands were very full but managed to snap a few pictures of our eventful day.