Wednesday, July 26, 2006

*insert witty title here*

So I am back online.... THANK GOD! I woke up yesterday, and as part of my morning routine, brought down some coffee, and came to read emails, blogs, check ebay.... and I had nothing! No internet! *gasp* Ran upstairs, and double *gasp* I have NO phone!!! So a quick call to Telus from my cell, confirmed that for some unknown reason, I was out of a phone line, until they could send out a tech..on Thursday. This wasn't good meant 2 days without a phone line, and we are having our Open House on Thursday. How good would that look if someone comes to see our house, and there is a techy working inside!? I'm still not sure what happened, but when I got home today from running errands (getting Tim's coffee) I had a phone line again! So here I am. When I should be everywhere but here. I have a list sooooooooo long, it's on 3 pages on what I need to do before our Open House tomorrow. So Rebecca, like you say, I addicted! So in preperation for our open house, and then heading to the city on Friday for Easton's 1st birthday... then on to Plamondon late Friday night for Jolan's Graduation. hehehheh Getting him a gift card to get a tattoo =) My kids are so excited.... for Easton's birthday we are meeting him at Millenium Place, and they deserve the trip, for putting up with a grouchy mom and dad all week! Adge...they want to know what kind of cake he's having? lol... Have a good Hump Day everyone.... I hope to make it back here tonight.

Friday, July 21, 2006

So glad I have my kids

I guess one of my favorite parts of raising Jaden & Avery is watching their intelligence grow. I remember what pride I felt, the first time that Jaden was able to walk across the livingroom. More recently, when I hear Avery say her full name "Avy Gwace Ewwack" I can't help but feel so proud, and also amazed that they are getting older and learning, always learning something new. Tonight I took out the book "Just Me And My Little Sister" by Mercer Mayer (My favorite books to read them) And Jaden says "Mom, there's a "j" for Jaden!" and that was cool, but not the first time he pointed out the letter J. But then he continues... "And an "a" for Avery.... and an "E" for Ernie, and a "D" for Daddy, and a "t" for truck!!!" I am not kidding you guys, I had tears running down my, I'm not sure why, but I couldn't believe it! I'm not even sure where the Ernie came from? Maybe Sesame Street?! Even Jaden seemed surprised with how many of the letters in that title that he recognized. I had to prompt him with "M" for mommy, but he remembered it was m, ending the word "bum" Don't ask, for some reason he knows how to spell that word?! I'm not sure.... but he's learning, and it's so darn cool being a mom, during moments like these! Have a good weekend everyone, and if you are a mom, take a second to think back at the last cool thing one of your kids learned, big or small.... and write it down somewhere. =)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

PROMISE this will be shorter

At least I can try!? Just wanted to share a few pictures.... finally got over to my friend Angie's house to take pictures of her SWEETIE, Korbyn who is now 2 weeks old!!! I was so excited, and it was a blast! I used the best material ever for a newborn! Vinyl! He pee'd not once, but twice during the shoot, but it cleaned off so easily we were able to keep going! I haven't proofed all the pictures yet, but here are a few that I think I really like. Love the one of him holding his mom's wedding ring. My monitor seriously sucks, so if you can see the backdrop, I am sorry, I can't tell until I actually make prints, then I can go back and make adjustments. So while they may look good to me, you might see something I don't. If ya do, feel free to let me know in the comments available at the end of this entry.

Here's just a funny picture of my kids testing out the closet organizer that Dorien and Rene made. Avery's hair looks maga big... lol

My mom has pictures of me and my brothers and sister in this same "tub" she used to give us a bath at Grandma's cabin. I got a picture of Jaden in it last summer, and a few weeks ago, I got one with Avery!

Monday, July 17, 2006

I swore I wouldn't do this.....

...and only post once in a while! So here I am playing catch up. Glad to see a few of you have started your own blogs (Monique and Rebecca) :) Sad as it sounds, it's great to keep in touch on your own time ;) That's kind of how I see it anyways. So what have we been up to? July has proved to be Crazy Busy for us, and for everyone around us too! I spent a week at my Grandma's cabin, with Jaden and Avery. Rene worked that week, and spent the evenings prepping our house to sell. It was a good idea, and he got loads done. We had a good relaxing week out at the cabin. The weather was pretty good, and just not having a phone (cell is less busy then hm phone anyways..) ring constantly was sort of nice. At one point I did get a bit bored once the kids were sleeping, and found a way to hook up msn to my cell, as well I dl'ed a few new ring tones =)

I had a Party Lite party at the cabin Thursday, and had so much fun. Got to see Adrienne, Renee, Destiny, Monique, and Henriette, and just have some good girly laughs. Thx for all the orders too, because I earned tons of free stuff! ChaChing!

Now we are back at home, and our house is starting to look less lived in, less personal, and less cluttered (not that I could get away with ever really having "clutter") I'm feeling a bit too sterile in my home...if that makes sense? But hopefully it shows well enough for our open house, July 27th. YUP, the ad goes in the local paper tomorrow, and hope to generate some more interest!! We've had several calls, but who knows how serious. I pray we get really close to our asking price. Our new house is going up pretty fast. They started to drywall today, and now our door is locked every night, so we can't sneak in it anymore and plan out where we'll set up our furniture =) Hey, that's part of the fun!

For anyone new to blogging, you can always click on pictures to see them larger, and you can leave comments at the end of my entry if you wish to. I'm still learning...hope to have things looking different soon, and would like to share links to other bloggers that I frequent :)


Tuesday, July 04, 2006


July 1st. What an awesome day we had! The weather was SO HOT, and we had some great company to share the day with. We met at Alphy and Maureen's for lunch, where we met up with Alcide, Tracy and Jeremy. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon. We all met up again at the Rotary Park to take in some of the activities. They had a petting zoo, climbing wall, a huge inflatable bouncy thing for the kids, and the new feature, just added to the park: A HUGE outdoor waterslide! It is very neat. And meant to take a tube down it. There were people everywhere, and it was a big hit! We didnt' bring the kids' suits, so we just sat back and watched, and let them get their toes wet. It was a fun day that ended great when we took in the fireworks. Jaden and Avery managed to keep their eyes open just long enough to watch them with us, and they loved to point out what colors they saw =) Dorien and Nat also joined us with Nat's family, it was a really nice evening!
At 12:30 that day, I did sneak away to Haze Tattoos. I won a contest to get a free Maple Leaf tattoo!!! So ya know what, it didn't take much convincing! I've always wanted a Tattoo, but was never sure on what to get and where. I wanted it to be meaningful, and something I could live with forever. I'm so proud to be a Canadian, and truly believe we live in the best country in the world. So I felt good going in there. I was *extremely* nervous... and so not sure where to put it. But decided I could just 'suck it up' and get it on the top of my foot where the guy told me "it might hurt a lot there?!" Guys: It wasn't that bad at all!!! Having babies is 100X worse! For those that don't have one, it's like getting stung by a bee over and over. So it's not comfortable, but really easy to tolerate (not sure I could sit there for over an hr though. This one only took 10 minutes)and once it's done, it's done! I had no idea what to expect, and thought it might hurt for a week or something. But it's not that way at all. So I will be going back =) Just not sure again on what/when/where.
It was a memorable day for me to say the least.
Today we put a Sale Sign in the window of our house. 3hrs later, we got our first phone call asking how much. Yeaaaaaaaaah... I hope we sell it easily and quickly. Time will tell. I've posted an updated picture of the new house.
Okay, I've really rambled on tonight, sorry bout that! Still too hot to go to bed...but better go try. Morning always seems to come sooner then I'd like.
Not going to look for spelling errors, sorry if there are any, or if something doesn't make sense. G'night!