Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Wednesday

Avery was so awesome on this day.....she played with Cohen while i got some housework done....she is such a sweet older sister and very protective of her baby brother.

"Cohenator" should cut a tooth any day, see all that drool??

Something that makes me very happy is that I am able to stay home and raise my babies.... here's a couple shots of my little ones not yet in school. Avery is in preschool now, but only a few hours a week. I Love Em to pieces, and though life will be different when they are school age, I am fortunate to stay home, and get to REALLY know them as people. I love the little things that make each child unique! There's a little bit of "pressling" and a little bit of "ulliac" in all my kids.........

Don't forget I am away from my desk until Sunday, have a good weekend!


PD said...

beautiful children!

angel Williams said...

I have not planned yet but now surely i will plan.


angel Williams said...

I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it.
