Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm getting good at posting daily again =)

10 things that made me happy today:
*Cohen had a REALLY good day... a really good sleepy day, and when he was awake I could talk him into grinning, cooing and a few little smiles :)
*Jaden and Avery made me really nice pictures this morning...and spent more then 5 seconds working on them ;)
*I saw a sweet couple holding hands while standing in line at Tim Hortons, the best part was that they were at least 65
*I booked 2 summer sessions
*I bought WHITE face cloths and they are soft and fluffy.... they can also get bleached and come out WHITE again!
*I did two loads of laundry today... this has been my daily goal, and 3rd day in a row getting it done!
*Looked at house plans ;)
*Walked around Walmart for an hour and bought 2 things, and chatted with 2 friends I ran into.
*Enjoyed a quiet afternoon, doing what I love.... editing pictures!





I have to add an 11th thing that made me happy today!
I'm an ebay freak... and it always makes my day when we get a parcel in the mail :) Avery is trying on this dress and I think it's sooo here's a snapshot of that!

Have a good Wednesday, thx for visiting my blog!!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are all so cute. I love the one of Avery laying in the grass with her eye's closed and the one of her bent over giggling. ;)

The one with Cohen laying on the bed with his blue soother is amazing.

You can NEVER stop talking pictures the world would miss out on your amazing eye for art and beauty!


Anonymous said...

The poka-dot dress is too cute btw!!!


Moments Photography said...

WOW, girl!! You never cease to amaze me with your beautiful photography, how you seem to get everything done, raise gorgeous kids, appear ;) organized and are such an incredibly positive person!! I admire your life outlook and your ability to truly live them!!

Alli :)