Wednesday, April 30, 2008

About time I share.........

A little history first. When I had Avery.... I was already in love with taking pictures. Looking back, I have albums full of photo's that I took in elementary school right up to graduation. I've always loved looking at beautiful photographs in magazines, and drooled over wedding pictures. When Jaden was born, I was introduced to scrapbooking by a good friend of mine, Angie. I was hooked, and loved decorating the pages which focused on pictures of my family. I soon realized it was much funner to scrapbook the really good shots I had taken, and I was always at Walmart printing prints to scrapbook with. Then Avery was born....and I was trying to be a better picture taker. I took some close ups of her feet in the hospital...with the intentions of scrapbooking some amazing layouts. I then played around with these pictures in picasa which is a free photo editing software from google, which my cousin Rebeeca introduced me to. I loved that I could turn my pictures into B&W or sepia, and play around with the various settings to sharpen, soften....etc. When Avery was nearing 6 months old it became really important to me to have a really nice, professional family picture taken. I didn't want to go to Walmart, I wanted to go somewhere better. I found something 'better' by booking with a local photographer here in Whitecourt, Tanya Adams. Looking back I laugh because I was shocked at what I was going to pay to get these family pictures. I had no idea what to expect and what I was paying for. It would have been cheaper going to Sears or Walmart, but I was stubborn and saw some of her work and wanted what she could capture. She did that and more!! Though I placed a small order, buying what I could afford.... those photographs that she took are still hanging in my house. I LOVE THEM! As many of you know, I studied photography online for 2 years before purchasing my first digital SLR camera. From there I took a class at NAIT and fell in love with everything photography. I have learned so much, and have so much more to is never ending and I hope someday to be doing this full time. The business side is a bit more difficult for me, but I believe I understand what needs to happen in order to succeed and I'm getting there. I owe a lot to Tanya for her inspiration and understanding in this business.

Needless to say when the subject came up a week ago, about photographing our new baby's delivery I was sooooo excited! I have been so lucky to find someone who I get along with so well, who loves something I love, and is so good and successful at it! Tanya is a great inspiration! Please check out her blog... and from there you can follow the link to her awesome website. She has a new look (logo) that I absolutely love, and I should mention that she has been doing this for the last 10 years now! I hope to share a few special images here once this baby arrives, in the meantime, please do enjoy Tanya Rae Photographics :) :) :)

PS: No baby yet ;)


Moments Photography said...

Your AWESOME Adrienne and I know that I have said this countless times... but you are a natural and will go far!! I'm so glad to be in this together... the support is so important!! My thoughts and prayers are with you for your new little one!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adrienne! Best of luck to you and your family in the next few days!! I am praying that all goes "Perfectly" for you!!

Thank-you for sharing such amazing pics with us -- I L.O.V.E.D the baby on the saddle picture (Of course!) I love checking in to your blog now and then -- you always have AWESOME pictures and fun news to share!

I am SOOOOOO looking forward to working with you this summer!!

Destiny A :0)