Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Tonight was sad. Avery was SO overtired, and didn't have her nap today. So at bedtime I said "Avery, you have school tomorrw, you need to get some sleep.." thinking that would do the trick. Nope. She burst into tears "I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!" I'm pretty sure this fit was because she was tired, but at the same time... I'm starting to feel a bit nervous about tomorrow! It's her first day of Playschool...actually it's her orientation, so I get to stay with her. My little girl.... going to school!!!! Crazy. Where has the time gone? I had to look through my old photo albums tonight to remember what she looked like a year ago... she has changed SO much in a year. She has grown a lot taller, and her hair longer. She asks things that some adults don't think to question. She is a smart cookie. Some might say a smart a-- at times ;) Amazing what happens all in a year. In a year from now... I'm going to have another BABY!!! Sorry to share this all here. I'm trying to go from "personal blog" to "professional blog" until I have my website completed, but sometimes just writing this out makes me feel better, so that I can sleep! SLEEP.... why can't I get enough of it?? I swear I'm getting 10-12hrs a day now, and I'm yawning all throughout the day. I hope this is just first trimester stuff. Well I better get going to bed... it's 11:21 and I can't believe I'm still up! (sheesh my bedtime used to be 2am!) I just wanted to let everyone know too that all proofing is done to date :) Everything has been loaded to the lab and waiting to be posted to your individual proofing gallery's... you will be getting an email from me in the next few days with your album name and password. I've also mailed out my information guide to anyone who expressed an interest in booking a fall session... please check your 'junk email' in case you don't have it already. Please let me know if you would like to receive information on booking a session this fall.... there are only a few days left in September!

{I will be posting pictures tomorrow, please check back soon!}
Wish Avery luck on her first day to Playschool tomorrow! I hope she wakes up and forgets about her tears about not wanting to go!

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