Thursday, February 05, 2009

Remember this lil boy?

Cohen is 9months old today! We brought him to the clinic today to see how much he weighed, and he has now passed the 20lb mark, which means he is too heavy for the infant carrier and it's time to change his carseat! His actual weight is 21lbs 10 oz. He's doing just awesome! Because it was so warm this afternoon, I brought him outside and let him sit in the sled and watch Daddy shovel the sidewalks. He has 2 bottom teeth and we are beginning to wean him from formula to whole milk. You can see his new 'trick'............. he is so proud that he can clap his hands now when we say "Yaaaaaaaaaaaa Cohen!" and we are working on blowing kisses, he's almost there. He's getting to be the age I love most! (I think I keep saying that but I love when babies start toddling along, and learning to repeat and say new words.... learn to walk etc... fun, but definately a busy stage!
Oh and I almost forgot... these are some of the first shots with my new camera! I upgraded to the Canon 5D MarkII and I am in LOVE with it! We are going to spend the next few months getting to know eachother better, but I think we'll get along just fine!

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