Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA lately.... I've been trying to prioritize all that is going on and happening around me. With the new baby I am spending extra time snuggling and cuddling... wishing he wouldn't grow quite so fast. Cohen is already six months old, and I'm trying to enjoy every stage as it happens. I have also been working on finishing up the final sessions of the year and getting orders put in before the Christmas deadline, as well as packaging orders up and delivering them. My blog happens to be toward the end of the priority list right now, but I promise it won't be that way for too much longer. I have also been spending more time at the school working on a side project. I will post more on that at a later date ;)

On a side note, some friends and I have been talking about getting together for weeks now and tonight it just happened. I enjoyed tonight, and it was nice to sit and visit over coffee and a few chips and guacomole! Good Times. I am so thankful for my friends...and we often talk about how blessed we are to have our families, and we truly are...but good friends deserve appreciation as well.... so thx to my friends who came over tonight, sat and drank coffe with me. They let me talk about photography (I'm sure they've seen enough photos for a long time!) vent about Telus, the County and U-Hall....... lol, and it was just plain awesome to be around you all again. We always say we need to get together more often, and we really do. We are all so different and bring something new and fresh to the conversation... so THANK YOU again for coming over and spending a Friday night with me. One of our many reasons for moving back home!

And what better way to end this post then to end it with a picture of my handsome lil boy.

xoxoox Adrienne

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