Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy LOVE Day!

This is as close to "valentiney"I have right now! We got the kids dressed with their bathing suits underneath their clothes...ready for a family night at the pool. We were all a bit sad when we got there and the note on the door said they were closed due to mechanical issues. Avery was the most upset so I tried to make it up to her by coloring her water blue, and letting her bathe in her swim suit.

I'm feeling extremely guilty for not doing Valentine pictures with my kids this year. It was 2yrs ago that I made a set up and took pictures of Jaden with his long spikey hair, and Avery with hardly any hair at all and kissy lips all over her face... Jaden holding flowers. It was one of those days I look back on and see now that my passion for photography was just beginning. So I applogize to all my relatives who usually get a valentine picture in the mail at this time of year... I could blame it on a million things but being 30 weeks pregnant tops the list!
I'm one of those people who LOVES Valentine's Day, and want to say that my hubby did awesome again this year!! I'm sure it's painful for him... (lol) but it makes me feel great knowing he loves me as much as he does and is willing to do the silly romantic Valentine's Day things for me. I woke up to roses and a box of chocolates with a sweet note too. Love you Babe!!!!
Thx for not giving up on my blog, thx for checking in! Have a great weekend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Adrienne,
I love the picture where Avery is holding the looks like an advertisement or are getting better and better all the time!
Can wait for my wedding in November to see what you will come up with then!
Crissy :)