Saturday, January 19, 2008

9950 hits!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!

I can't believe it!! It makes a girl feel good knowing some of you out there are checking in pretty regularily! I would love to know who you are.... so please leave a HI comment in the comments area next time you get the chance :) I have some very exciting news to share with you all very soon............................. if the timing is right, I hope to reveal this piece of news right around the 10,000 hit.....................hmmmmmmmmmm might have to have a game with a give away?! :)

Just wanted to share a personal conversation Jaden had with me tonight..... he's 5 and his mind is going a mile a minute. I love the things he says, draws, and does! I love this age :) Rene had to work late tonight, and phoned to see if the kids and I would want to drive a half hr out of town to bring him some supper. The kids have never seen where he works and were so excited about checking things out. On our way...we drive past the mill, which stands out even in the dark with all the exhaust (or whatever it is) coming up from it.

Jaden: Mom! That must be where all the dad's who make clouds work!
Avery: YEah.... that's a COOL job, I wanna be a cloud maker some day
Jaden: I wonder how hard it is to make clouds?
Avery: I didn't know we could see clouds in the dark!
Jaden: Avery.............clouds are always in the sky, we just don't always seem them.


Once at the office Rene was at (more like a shack in the middle of NOWHERE!) there was a sign hanging inside that said NO HOODIES (as in the sweaters) it had a line through it....and I noticed Jaden looking at it and knew he would say something about it.

Jaden: Mom, look! That line through the sweater means no sweaters allowed in here!
*he asks for a paper and pen and starts to draw*
Me: Whatcha drawing Jaden?
Jaden: This is a guy on a skateboard (and it did look like a guy on a skateboard!) then he drew a line through it, and wrote the word NO above it (he saw the 'no' from the other sign) See mom, NO SKATEBOARDERS allowed in here!

I think he was a bit dissapointed that there wasn't a playstation in this office.... Rene always teases them and says he plays games all day at work.... when we got there Jaden was looking all over for it ;)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Anonymous said...

Hi Adrienne...I always check out your inspires me to be a better mom! This is Terri St.Jean by the way..
have a great rest of your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adg, can't wait to hear your big news. Always checking in just don't always have the time to leave a comments.