Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Maurice, Louise or Pablo!?
LOL..... these are the boy and girl names Jaden has picked for our next baby...... nope, I'm not pregnant, we just talk about babies a lot in our house. Avery picked the names: Avery Grace and Sebastien! So cute... (in case you are wondering Jaden's names come from The Backyardagains, and Max & Ruby) Just a quick post today, sharing a few pictures... look what I've done to my son!!! But it's too cute not to share it :) He came down the stairs after he dressed himself, and "posed" for a picture! This picture of Alix was taken at Aunty Solange's house Thursday morning when the city was hit with another snowfall, and her window looked like the perfect backdrop! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Good News!
For those of you that know I was waiting for some news today from my Mom, I am happy to say that all results came back clear :) Everything is good, which is great news!! I do hope Mom, that this doesn't stop you from following through on your New Years Resolution ;) I love you!!! xoxoxo
Monday, November 27, 2006
*Update* On Playstation 3
I GOT IT!!! Yup, I did!!! But if you go look on's not looking as good as it did before. So it might be ours to keep, we'll see. Rene likes his other playstation, but he's never catched on to the online thing. Maybe he should!? Just wanted to let you all know! I'll post a picture one of me proudly holding it in my arms! lol.... have a good Monday!
Back from the Girls Weekend....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
2 more sleeps!
I am so excited! It's that time of year again.... The Girls Weekend!!! For those who don't know what I'm talking about, EVERY year (since I was 13) I meet up with my aunties, mom and Grandma in Edmonton for 3 days of Shopping! So much fun, I look forward to it every single year. It nearly didn't happen with Rene having a new job, but thanx to Monique who is coming up here to babysit (Thx Monique soooo much!!!!) I can go shop til i drop! (eeks, so long as the snow stops long enough for her to get here!) I haven't updated in a few days, not too much to report. Both Jaden and Avery have colds, and Rene starts his shift on Thursday. I have to go do some online shopping, so have a good night everyone!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Life's Just not Fair
I did it! I mean I got up at 5:15am, bundled up and went to Walmart and stood in line to buy a Playstation 3. Unfortunately for me, and a few didn't work out. To make a long story short, the Night Manager took it upon himself and gave out 4 tickets for the only 4 Playstation games that they got. For some unknown reason as of now, he gave 2 away at 5pm yesterday!? And then at 1:30am walked outside....and all those waiting, were in their vehicles. Nobody was in line. He waved them around, and it was the first 2 guys who ran up to him that got em. Needless to say that when the head manager came to work in the morning, she told us that it was first come/first when the one guy told her what happened, she was not happy, but there really wasn't anything she could do. I stayed until opening anyways..."just in case" but we sat and watched as the 4 got bought. I'm 3rd on a waiting list, so if they get the next 4 they expected to get...I'll get one, maybe. If they don't 'lose' the list. I hope this guy who handed them out gets fired...I mean there really should be some organization to ensure that these machines are given out fairly. They advertised for 8:00am we all hate to hear it, Life's not fair. It was interesting....met some neat people, exchanged email addresses, and it's something crazy I did this year. It was also cold...but worth it even if I didn't get one. I was really only buying one to turn around and sell it on ebay (One sold last night for over 6,000.00!!!) But I think even the hardcore gamers were going to do the same, then buy one later in 2007 when they release more.
On to something different, we are going to Plamondon for the weekend. Kinda spur of the moment. The kids have been asking to go see Papa, and he and Rene are off. I never posted this, but a few nights after our van was broken into, Rene went to leave for work to find his rear window on the truck had been smashed. Lovely. I hate that people are doing this....and with Rene working 2 night shifts this week, I haven't slept too much. I hope it stops here. Alix is going to stay at our house while we are gone, so I feel a bit better about leaving town.
Gonna post a few recent pictures of the kids, playing in the snow with our friends, Brooke and Hunter. Also Jaden went on a field trip last week to the Vet Clinic, so some pics of that too..unedited....just wanted to share :) Have a good weekend everybody!
Avery doesn't look too impressed!

Jaden holding up a tape worm they took out of a dog....ucky!
I think he had just as much fun riding on a school bus for the first time, as he did at the Vet Clinic! lol...
Call me Crazy, Stupid, or smart.....?!
Sooooooooooo I heard about the big Playstation 3 release tomorrow. I am not a gamer... nor do I care to become one, BUT... they are releasing 7 at our Walmart. The crazy girl in me is getting up at 5:00am..and if there isn't already a huge line up, I am standing in line until 8am (store opening hours..) and I'm buying one! The lady told me they cost 799.00 but will sell on Ebay for big money. I'm doing it! ha ha, maybe i'll make a few extra Christmas dollars doing it, and to me that makes it fun and worth it. Wish me Luck! Trust me I will bring you the update in the early am :)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
New Settings...
I'm not sure why, but I'm getting all kinds of "junk" comments left on my blog, so I had to change my settings. You'll only be able to leave me a comment if you are a registered user with Blogger, sorry....but the "junk" is driving me crazy!!! I'll post again tonight, with some pictures! Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday :)
Friday, November 10, 2006
Uggghhh Feelin' so bummed
I'm having a terrible day... When I got the kids into our vehicle this morning to take Avery to her Boogy Woogy (dance class) i found all the stuff in my van spread all out. My change was gone, and so was my flippin purse................................and cell phone. I am so mad... why would someone do this? Why us? I NEVER leave my purse in the van over night, and I'm always reminding Rene to bring his wallet in, as he does tend to leave it in his truck over night. For some reason, it stayed in the van last night. I thought I was going to go for coffee with Alix, but I wasn't feeling well, and went to bed early. I did my grocery shopping yesterday, and brought it all into the house, minus the case of pop for rene. He went into it at 8:30 last night and obviously forgot to lock the doors. There is no damage to the van, so i'm guessing it wasn't locked. In my purse I had a few hundred dollars in a *secret zipper* saving for cash for my "Girls Weekend" my birth cert, the kids' sin cards, and ab health care, birth cert, credit card, debit cards, cheq's, my fave lipstick :( What a disaster. Anyways.... I don't feel like going on about it, but please, take it from me, take your wallet/purse in the house with you ALL the time. I think it's small town mentality. Time to lock the doors to the vehicle and house each and everytime I go anywheres. THANK GOD I didn't for some reason have my camera in there too... thx for stopping by.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Pretty bad when....
You wake up in the morning with a kids song in your head! lol.... I guess that's all part of being a mom. "Eyes, Nose... cheeky, cheeky, Chin!" (Jaden's class sings this before snack time) the songs are just as catchy as any Nelly Furtado songs! hehhe... So a few of you have emailed me asking what the Easter Bunny story is. Here it is: I believe Jaden was 2 at the time...and my mom had this "easter bunny" costume. But honestly, it looked like a really freaky Bunny.. the eyes looked hollow and black. So not the cute fluffy white bunny I would have pictured! When she came hopping into the kitchen...Jaden backed up and was really unsure about it. She put down his basken, and hopped away. That wasn't so bad, we talked to him...and he finally started to smile...but still really aprehensive about it all. Of course we all laughed and thought this was funny...and I thought... let's bring the bunny out again! Well this time, he went hysterical. No kidding....he was definately traumatized. He wouldn't calm down, and when he finally did, kept looking over his shoulder, waiting to be scared again. He wanted to leave my mom and dad's so bad. Not cool. And seriously... my son remembered this all the way to winter with Santa, and again the following Easter. The bunny never came out last time... and I think he's sort of over it now. But he's not one to run up and hug any big costumed ppl! We actually have some video of the Easter Bunny and Jaden, but I'm not sure how to link that to my blog...maybe another day.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Monday is almost over
...and I haven't been to my blog in a almost a week! Rene is on his days off, so we've (or I should say..he's..) been keeping busy. I do believe Rene is going to begin the development of our basement tomorrow...starting with the framing. I have a feeling this will be a looong ongoing project, but Rene does thrive on such things, and it will be very nice to have a basement that we can enjoy! We plan to have a family room, Play room, bathroom, and Jaden's bedroom down here. We'll have a little corner for our treadmill and weights as well. Looking forward to having RUG! I like the look of our laminate floors upstairs, but rug is so warm, and cozy, and hides dirt... which really, as gross as it sounds, I think I prefer it that way?!?! Kids are doing great! Jaden LOVES, LOVES to go sledding....and stays out way longer then I'd ever imagine! For the lil wuss he can be, he sure can handle the cold snow better then Rene or I can!! He still loves Preschool...and today they got a visit from Sparky the Fire dog. I was smart though, I prepped him for 2 days about this visit (in case you don't know him well, he freaks at the sight of any big costume... going back from a traumatic experience a few yrs ago when his granmda and his mom scared him with an Easter Bunny..long story.) His teacher said he did very well...and chose the high five over a hug ;) That's my boy! heheheh when we went trick or treating...he did see a scary costume, and Avery got scared. When we got back to our vehicle he tells her "just do what I do avery... I say "Don't cry Jaden, Don't cry, it's not scary, I'm a big boy" lol.... such a sweetie.
Tonight, after I tucked the kids into bed...and let me tell ya they were tired! We took them sledding *and* swimming tonight... they should sleep well ;) I heard avery laying in her bed talking to her "baby"...she was saying "K, say Alligator... AL LI GA TOOOORE.. nooo, not like that... like this... ALI GATOoOOORE..." Seriously...she was trying to teach her baby to pronounce words... it was too funny :)
I met with a lady today, whom I took family pictures for. She is my first unofficial "customer" She "heard" i took good pictures, and had asked me to take some of her, her hubby and their 2 kids. I didn't know her at all, and decided to go for it. It went well.... and today we went over the pictures together. She was so happy with them (which kinda surprised me i guess) and she ordered TONS! It really made my day. I can't wait to do more of this in the future! Photography is definately my passion.
Well I do believe I've babbled enough...and made up for the entire last week! lol... so I'm leaving you with a picture or 2, we'll see how long they take to load. G'night!

there have been tons of deer in this field (including huge bucks!) for the past week, and this is the best shot I have of it :( All you can see is only lonely deer! I'm going to go try again tomorrow night with a tripod.
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