...and now recovering from power shopping, too much food, blistered feet, and lack of sleep :) But it was fun, and worth it as always. I still can't believe how many stores I went into, and how many I didn't!! ( i missed out on Chapters, Superstore, Mexx, Claire's, Zellers, Toys R Us...) But went to Costco, Kingsway, Bombay, West Ed, St. Albert Centre, Leons...spent too much time at The Children's Place, Old Navy, Gymboree, and Gap :P Jaden and Avery really don't need anymore toys this year, so lot's of jammies, and some clothes...a few books, and 1 big toy each. We got Jaden a game cube, and Avery a wooden craddle, and highchair for her dolls. (It's so cute, tried to find a picture online but couldn't..it is from Costco.) Alix, Mom and I got matching pj's from LaSenza...they are so comfy, and we took a lotta pictures! The roads were really nasty Thursday morning, so I'm glad that at the last minute me and Alix drove into the city on Wednesday night. It was really strange, I ran into Katrina Samoilov in West Edmonton Mall...and I haven't seen her in years, so that was cool...she's doing good, seems happy, and was shopping with her husband. My kids were sick, that sucked because Monique was babysitting and had a hard time with them...they were all over Sebastien, and they weren't listening that well. You know, the way kids are when they aren't feeling well....and there mommy isn't around. She worked hard for every dollar, I'm lucky she was able to come up. Wish we could have had more time to visit, I didn't even get a picture! However, here are a few from the "GIRLS WEEKEND 2006"
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