...and I haven't been to my blog in a almost a week! Rene is on his days off, so we've (or I should say..he's..) been keeping busy. I do believe Rene is going to begin the development of our basement tomorrow...starting with the framing. I have a feeling this will be a looong ongoing project, but Rene does thrive on such things, and it will be very nice to have a basement that we can enjoy! We plan to have a family room, Play room, bathroom, and Jaden's bedroom down here. We'll have a little corner for our treadmill and weights as well. Looking forward to having RUG! I like the look of our laminate floors upstairs, but rug is so warm, and cozy, and hides dirt... which really, as gross as it sounds, I think I prefer it that way?!?! Kids are doing great! Jaden LOVES, LOVES to go sledding....and stays out way longer then I'd ever imagine! For the lil wuss he can be, he sure can handle the cold snow better then Rene or I can!! He still loves Preschool...and today they got a visit from Sparky the Fire dog. I was smart though, I prepped him for 2 days about this visit (in case you don't know him well, he freaks at the sight of any big costume... going back from a traumatic experience a few yrs ago when his granmda and his mom scared him with an Easter Bunny..long story.) His teacher said he did very well...and chose the high five over a hug ;) That's my boy! heheheh when we went trick or treating...he did see a scary costume, and Avery got scared. When we got back to our vehicle he tells her "just do what I do avery... I say "Don't cry Jaden, Don't cry, it's not scary, I'm a big boy" lol.... such a sweetie.
Tonight, after I tucked the kids into bed...and let me tell ya they were tired! We took them sledding *and* swimming tonight... they should sleep well ;) I heard avery laying in her bed talking to her "baby"...she was saying "K, say Alligator... AL LI GA TOOOORE.. nooo, not like that... like this... ALI GATOoOOORE..." Seriously...she was trying to teach her baby to pronounce words... it was too funny :)
I met with a lady today, whom I took family pictures for. She is my first unofficial "customer" She "heard" i took good pictures, and had asked me to take some of her, her hubby and their 2 kids. I didn't know her at all, and decided to go for it. It went well.... and today we went over the pictures together. She was so happy with them (which kinda surprised me i guess) and she ordered TONS! It really made my day. I can't wait to do more of this in the future! Photography is definately my passion.
Well I do believe I've babbled enough...and made up for the entire last week! lol... so I'm leaving you with a picture or 2, we'll see how long they take to load. G'night!

there have been tons of deer in this field (including huge bucks!) for the past week, and this is the best shot I have of it :( All you can see is only lonely deer! I'm going to go try again tomorrow night with a tripod.
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