I must say.... my kids have an amazing daddy. But only when Daddy is responsible for tucking them into bed, would he give them CHOCOLATE in their beds before they fall asleep!!!! lol..... I went out last night to an Epicure party (yumm!!) and told him that Avery did not have a nap, and would need to go to bed around 7:45ish... not to wait to late, or it will be really hard getting her to sleep. I even asked that bedtime snack be strawberries as they had a lot of halloween candy in the last few days. WELL>........ I woke up to Avery crying in her sleep... so I went to check on her. I freaked out!!! I thought she had blood all over her face, or had she been sick??? I brought her to the sink in the bathroom to find CHOCOLATE ALL OVER HER face and neck and hands!!!!! Oh my poor girl. She was so tired, and daddy had given her chocolate when she went to bed at 8:30. She probably fell asleep right in it. So what does any normal mother do? She leaves her crying girl at the sink to go find her camera..... PROOF for daddy, and a reminder to never give them chocolate IN THEIR beds again!!!!!!! I washed her up, changed her bedding and tucked her back into bed. She fell straight to sleep. I'm not even sure she'll remember this in the morning? I think Daddy is feeling pretty bad right now, but we love him. The kids probably thought it was soooo cool that daddy let them go to bed with chocolate! ;) The kids will have a good laugh today when I show them the pictures.... hehehehheh. Thx for letting me share! Have a good weekend! *pictures taken at 1am*

1 comment:
OMGosh! This leaves me speechless but chuckling slightly...did she recall?
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