Friday, April 27, 2007

More Trip Pictures.... Paradise Island

Click on the pictures to see any of them bigger!
First picture is Paradise Island
This is a local girl trying to sell us shells. I took her picture and then showed it to her on the back of my camera and she freaked, they all thought that was soooo cool!

So blue!
At the bar we stopped at for lunch/drinks coming back from PI.
Rene Chillin'
The water is SOOO clear!!!

awwwwwwwww I love him big as the sky!

Rene writing R + A in the sand, until the water came up and took it out
Our Feet!
Banana Tree on the resort

Me on the way to PI

Just a bunch of huts, an island water and tropical fish. Beautiful Coral reef too, we went snorkeling and it was amazing!

Of course they don't do justice to what we saw... the sand was white, and the water SO clear. The beach at the resort was really nice as well, but this was Paradise!
Thx for looking!
I am going to my mom's for the weekend and will post more trip pictures next week (Safari, and the Dominican People...more of us too)
Have a good weekend!!!


Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

the photo's are freaking COOL... I'm SO NOT jalous :( LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad to see some new pictures. They are breath taking! It is so beautiful there I couldn't have imagined it. The pics of the kid's are awesome! Jaden doesn't seemed so thrilled to be kissing his sister. Give the kid's hugs for me. Take care, see you next weekend!
