Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules.At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! If I tag you and you don't have a blog, then it's about time you start one! ;) Or you can email me the responses, and I'll post them here!
*1* I am a huge procrastinator (i can't believe I'm doing this so promptly!)
*2* I hate doing dishes, even with a dishwasher. Give me bathrooms any day, I don't mind cleaning them at all!
*3* I think I'm the only person I know who doesn't like to watch COMEDY movies.... guess I have a hard sense of humor or I don't 'get' half the jokes?! I would just rather watch a drama movie any day
*4* I watch All My Children most days (Yes it is a soap opera! Yes I've gone a few yrs without watching it, and I was able to jump back into it no problem!)
*5* I always wonder about the weather. I talk about it, and I look at every day, and flip to that channell on tv before I go to bed. Drives me crazy how it's never what they say it'll be!
*6* When I get nervous or worried, I pick. I'm a picker (NO not my nose!) But I pick at the skin on the side of my thumbs. It's gross, and I can't believe I'm admitting it here!
*7* I think about the past a lot. I think about life before I was born, and how different issues have changed people. I think often about friends from school, and wonder how they are doing now. I enjoy listening to music from the 90's for this reason... I love memories!
All righty I am tagging 7 people: Kendra, Mom, Alix, Rebecca, Lucie, Lisa and Angie!
If you think it drives you nuts when the weather isn't what they say try being a farmer. It'll drive you INSANE. Tell Jaden and Avery I say hello. I've seen them quite a bit over the last few months and I am missing the little farts.
Take Care
lol Jason, I told them that their uncle was missing the little farts..well they both cracked up and had the giggles over the word 'fart' for about 15 min!
So when are we all going to Mayfield, Farmer Zevola???
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