Friday, February 02, 2007

Today was a looooooong day

Here's my sad story: About 6 months ago, we took Avery's 'sucky' (soother) away. 3 weeks later, after night after night of her crying, not sleeping and still asking for it, I gave it back to her. Well at Christmas time, Rene told me to pick a day in January, and it would be time again....for good. He's right, she is 2 1/2 and needs to start living without it. So of course, I picked January 31st. Last night. She did *WAY* better then I expected, and only sorta cried on and off for about 20 minutes before falling asleep, and she slept all night.. and it was all good. So this moring we had a "BIG GIRL" party... hats, decorations, tea party and all (I'll post some pictures tomorrow :) Then came lunch, and then came nap time. Nap time is almost always at 12:30, and she sleeps until 3-3:30. She's a great napper... until now! She BAWLED her eyes out... cried, whined, played... but she stayed in her bed until 3:30, when i finally told her to get up. (for some reason she doesn't try to get out of her bed... she just calls for us still, I don't think she realizes she CAN get up on her own...which is kinda nice) It was a long afternoon/evening in our house. She was cranky and tired, and finally at 8:30....we read a book, said prayers, gave her some water...and she went straight to sleep! It's 11;36 and so far so good. Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought? I just hope she goes back to napping.... mom still needs one every once in a while ;)

ETA: Not five minutes after I posted this, she woke up crying for her sucky ... poor girl. I sang to her, played with her hair and cuddled, but honest to God she was crying on my soulder and all I could think of was... honey, wait until some boy breaks your heart for the first time.... I am sure we shared a mother/daughter moment that we will experience many more times in our lifetime *sigh* being a Mommy is so cool, and yet so emotional and difficult sometimes too. I love her to pieces, and as long as she knows that, and hears us say it every day, I know she'll be okay.. even without her sucky ;)

1 comment:

Sébastien's Proud Mommy said...

Tell Avery that Auntie Nique is VERY proud of her and that when the time comes she can help me when I have to take Sébatien's sucky away.....God knows we're going to need all the help we can get because he LOVES his sucky!

Good job for sticking to your guns don't let those big puppy dog eyes break your resolve!