Rene is awesome :) He understands my love for photography...and he is so willing to give me the time it takes to learn about it, and do the work that it involves (many, many hours!) So last night when we were getting the kids all ready to go grocery shopping, he suggested I bring my camera, so I can try this shot I've been wanting of the town, from the sledding hill. What a sweetie, and so we did! I'm not sure if it might be too much twinkle, or if I like it in Black & White?! I'm much better at portraits then landscape, ugh, but I want to try and balance it out.
We had such a fun weekend :) We met up with Jason and Celine, and their kids and Dorien and Nat. I didn't get any really good pictures which I realize is sometimes hard with 2 kids hanging off of you, and being outside. Dorien took out his quad, and they hooked up 3 sleds to the back, and we took turns going for rides. It was a blast, the kids had so much fun! Thank you guys!!! It's so cool to see Jaden and Dawson playing, and then Brianna and Avery playing. My kids are finally old enough to go off and play, which is so cool. They adore their cousins (Just wish I had taken MORE pictures!!!!) Today Jaden has mentioned a few times how much fun he had watching Over The Hedge with Dawson, and how they laughed a lot, and my daughter now wants a "baby brat" doll like Brianna ;) Some days I wish we could live back in Plamondon, near our families. Don't get me wrong, I love Whitecourt, and we do have family here. But I have a feeling that we'll all end up back there some day. Maybe not Alphy, but it's a good reason to come back to Whitecourt to visit too :) I could be wrong, and who knows, right!?
So today is Monday...and I should be getting things back on track here. Rene has started his new position with Talisman, and is now working Monday-Thursday, 10hr days. I like this shift, he has every weekend off...including Fridays. I know that he never sticks to one shift for long, they are always moving things around out there...so for now we'll enjoy it. On another note, I have completed (i think..) my price list for taking pictures for 2007. I have set the prices at where I'd like them to be once I'm officially doing it as a business...and offering 50% off until at least August 1st. I'm really excited to start booking some shoots, so that I can start working on a portfolio. That is what my plan is from now until August. Beginning in September I'd like to offer some special family picture discounts for the holidays. I'd also like to get a website up and running in the fall. So much fun!! Well.......... I better throw in a load of darks, and go clean up breakfast dishes! Have a good day!
The twinkle is great! I personally like the B&W one the best, I love how the streetlights look!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend, it's amazing how hard it is to take pictures when you're trying to participate in the fun too!
Make sure to send me your price list!
I love how your pictures are progressing! You really are developing, so it all must be worth the work. I wish I had someone here for some more special shots I want to get soon. Take care, and pass my regards to Rene.
PS not too much twinkle.
Natalie Scott
Hey Adge!
I love the black and white one. I think the twinkle is great! I'm so proud of you! Keep it up!
Adrienne Zenko
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