I spent the weekend at mom and dad's...the kids were sick, so we didn't do that much. I did get a few candid pictures, and wanted to share these two. One of my cousin Elora (You may have seen her comments here :) and the other of Robin, my very single brother ;) It's nice to post some pictures that aren't of my kids...I'll give everyone a little break! lol
Avery seems to be feeling a bit better today. I took her to the Dr. who said it's just a virus. Can't treat it with antibiotics....keep giving her advil/dimetapp. Ughhh, I feel bad giving her so much of that stuff, and her poor eyes are a bit infected still. Nothing but wait it out....Jaden and I have colds, and Rene is feeling better now.
On a better note, we have officially booked a trip to the Dominican Republic! I never imagined going on such a trip when our kids were still this young, but thankfully we both have parents who are willing to keep the kids for 4 days each in April. We are going with my Aunty Leonie and Uncle Benny, and some of their family, and another couple. I can't wait to feel HOT SUN on my skin....this cold weather is driving me crazy, so a beach holiday in the near future sure helps us get through this part of the year!
I know everyone is probably so sick of hearing about this photography class I'm taking at NAIT, but tomorrow is my 1st day :) NAIT is soooo BIG, that I'm a bit nervous about finding the classroom, and parking etc.. Rene is home so that is one less thing to worry about. Nexk week will be another story! Nearly 1am, time to get some sleep... hope everyone is doing well! :)
Good luck with your first day of school. Don't let the gitters get to you , you will be just fine. Glad to hear you all are doing better. I will be thinking of you while you are basking in the very warm Dominican sun shine!
Take care!
Best of luck with school! Great portraits too! Hope your travels have been safe.
Thx Celine... about the gitters... in school, when there was a big test coming up, I'd get stupid cold sores on my lip. Well guess what? I got one on my freakin nose this morning...yuck
We'll have to plan a trip for 2008 together, giving your hubby a lot of time to work it out with the farm :)
Thx Kendra, I made it home safe and sound :) Hey, I added your name to my msn, hope to see you on there soon!
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