Jaden just *loves* Grandma's banana bread, it's pretty much all he eats when we are in Plamondon (yup, he's spoiled there!) He was quite upset that Grandma didn't have any this trip, so they made some together! Lucky boy!
Here's a picture of Avery at the sledding hill. She was feeling really sick, and we had just come from seeing the Dr. but we stopped by the hill quickly just to get a bit of fresh air, and to get a few pictures of the boys sledding.

Had some time tonight to go through some pictures from the past week. Wanted to share a few with you all. I want to get back in the habit of updating this blog at least every other day! Avery's pink eye has now passed on to Jaden. He's going to freak out when he can't open his eyes in the morning... I'm well aware it will be a hectic Saturday Morning. Speaking of freaking out... (l0l) Today my kids were not getting along so well, and fighting over who sat on which chair, so they were sent to their own bedroom to play, clean up, whatever...while I made lunch. This is at 11:30 this morning. Fine, they went, and all was going well........until Avery came running out of her room SCREEEEEEEEEAMING (that scream where ya think she got hurt really badly..) she was Hysterical, and I could not understand anything coming out of her mouth, so I'm looking her over for blood, or pinched finger..something. Turns out "Der was a weaally weally BIG BLACK Pider on my elmo bathing suit!" Oh Lord. It's going to be a difficult summer for my girl...lol. She thought I was so brave when I went and picked up the spider with a kleenex and flushed him down the toilet. Which then brought on a million WHY questions about where the 'pider' went.... lol. All I can do is laugh it off... hehehhehhe. Have a good weekend, and thx for coming by!

These are the faces Jaden keeps giving me when I take out the camera! lol.... and here's the popsicle Grandpa and Grandma gave him since he had a cold...

My Aunty Leonie risked getting sick to snuggle up with Avery, who is so lucky to have such a sweet and cuddly aunt, who never fails to give in to all Avery's lotion and lipstick requests!

It was time to get OUT of the house for the boys.... here they are enjoying some awesome weather this week on the sledding hill! I think Rene has just as much fun on Jaden's new "JP" snow racer (that's what Jaden calls it!)
That picture of Jaden with the popsicle is too cute. The expression on his face is priceless!
Have a happy Saturday!
I love the popsicle one too!!
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