Yup, and then it will be Christmas...14 more sleeps! This year will be different for us, because Rene has to work. I was torn as what to do this year. I really couldn't imagine being home all day on Christmas eve and all day on Christmas home with the my two kids, while Rene was at work. He could possibly be only working until noon those days, but it's also possible that he'll be working 16hr days. There is no way to know for sure...so with his encouragement, we decided that I'll go to Plamondon a few days before Christmas, and come back to Whitecourt Christmas day (I really don't like the idea of spending Christmas Day/Jaden's birthday driving..) but this was the best we could come up with. We'll be able to spend Christmas night with Rene (hopefully) and then go back to Plamondon Friday morning when Rene goes off shift. No plans for New Years, but I would like to do something :) I can't wait to see the friends and family that I only see a few times a year, Adrienne JP and Easton are going to be in Plamonond for a week, and I can't wait to spend some time with them!! Everyone keeps asking "Are you ready for Christmas?" My answer is sure.... I still have a few gifts to buy and wrap, and some pictures to take. I need to mail off Christmas cards....but it's all coming along. Anyways, wow, if you are still reading this (loooong post huh?) heheheh
Have a good Monday, make it count :)

1 comment:
Like mother like daughter. Elora
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