To be alone in my own house for 4 days. Rene took the kids to LLB to visit his family, and because I was there only 2 weeks prior, I stayed home. Let me tell ya.... this was an amazing little holiday! They left Thursday noon...and Friday afternoon there I was in the Out-A-Bounds Gym, getting a ver relaxing, aromatherapy massage... ahhhhhh. PURE heaven! It was amazing not having to wonder who needs what next, packing up everyone to go up town, getting Avery down for nap, returning phone calls (Basically I let my vm pick up all calls..sorry!) Didn't have to wipe noses, or bums... the laundry was sooo easy to keep up with ;) No background tv noise... it was awesome! I scrapbooked, caught up on msg boards on the internet, went through pictures I took in the past month, washed my floors, shoveled the sidewalks... had bubble bathS, with candles lit, a good book, and yup, a chocolate bar! Saturday night, some girls came over for a few drinks, and then we went to the bar, which was fun to see everyone dressed up in their Halloween costumes, and yes I slept in until 11:00! I cooked a whole 2 meals for myself...and got to visit with Alix, and some of my friends. Saturday I had wanted to go visit Tanya in Edmonton, but then we got a snow storm... so we'll have to get together another time.
Adge... I have to say, we talked on the phone for TWO hrs! LOL... that never happens these days..and it was so wonderful to catch up with you! Her and JP are making a move in late spring...and one of the options are Edson...which is only an hr from me! My fingers *and* toes are crossed ;)
Thanx babe for letting me stay home without a word to try and change my mind. I really appreciated the time to myself, and feel like I'm ready to go non stop until Christmas now :) I love you so much, and couldn't imagine always having my house so quiet. It was nice for a weekend, but life would be so boring without you all in my life!! {hugs n kisses}
And what would a weekend alone be without taking a few pictures?

mmmmmmm coffee!
About 10hrs of scrapbooking!
A looooooooong bubble bath every day!
I have 2 of these in my bathroom, they are so relaxing, and smell yummy too!
Here's one of me, Tessa, Alix and Faye.
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