Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Next: Christmas!!! (HUGE SMILEY FACE)

Today was such a fun day! First day back with my kids....and it was so nice to be with them. We finally carved a pumpkin (i am such a last minute kinda mom..) and the kids had SO much fun tonight. My camera is upstairs, so I'll load pictures tomorrow morning. They were such troopers..we left our house at 5:30 and got home at 8:30! IT was freezing cold, and after every house I would ask if they were cold, and ready to go home...but nope! They wanted to keep going. My highlight was what Jaden told me. He was kind of worried about the "Scary Masks".... and after seeing our first one for the night, and Avery kinda cried a bit to be picked up, he tells me and Avery: "I just said to myself, Don't cry Jaden, Don't cry Jaden... and it worked!" awwwwwwwwwwwwww he's my sweetie, and he's growing up! Avery made my mom laugh over the weekend.... she asked to eat something for supper, and then she wouldn't eat it. Rene said "Avery...did you lie to daddy?" And she pipes up "NO, I just changed my mind!" :) Okay... just one more to tell you! Both kids were playing on the deck...and Jaden threw snow in Avery's face... she comes crying to me "Mommy.... Jaden embarrassed me!" HA HA, love the things kids say!
So with Halloween behind us now..... who is ready to start decorating for Christmas? hehheheh... I think I might start taking boxes out this weekend! I'll wait to put up my tree, but the rest, I can't wait to have up :) Here are a few pictures of Jaden and Avery playing on the deck yesterday, and one of Avery's goofy face, but love her eyes in it! G'night {{{HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS}}}

Giggles N Grins... what do you do with a picture like this? I've got to name this 'face' just not sure to what yet... lol

Belle and Michealangelo want to tell ya:

I asked them what I should write beside their picture on my blog and here's what they had to say!
Jaden: Tell em I'm a Ninja Turtle, who is nice because my mom didn't buy the sword for my costume, and my sister is a princess, because she really is one.
Avery: Yeah, I'm Belle Princess, and I want treats tonight when we go to your house!
Mom: What do you say ?
Jaden/Avery: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease ... Jaden: And then we say WANKS! (how he says thanx...lol)

Not sure if I like Sepia best, or the black and white... ? Or the color one?

Lucky Me....

To be alone in my own house for 4 days. Rene took the kids to LLB to visit his family, and because I was there only 2 weeks prior, I stayed home. Let me tell ya.... this was an amazing little holiday! They left Thursday noon...and Friday afternoon there I was in the Out-A-Bounds Gym, getting a ver relaxing, aromatherapy massage... ahhhhhh. PURE heaven! It was amazing not having to wonder who needs what next, packing up everyone to go up town, getting Avery down for nap, returning phone calls (Basically I let my vm pick up all calls..sorry!) Didn't have to wipe noses, or bums... the laundry was sooo easy to keep up with ;) No background tv noise... it was awesome! I scrapbooked, caught up on msg boards on the internet, went through pictures I took in the past month, washed my floors, shoveled the sidewalks... had bubble bathS, with candles lit, a good book, and yup, a chocolate bar! Saturday night, some girls came over for a few drinks, and then we went to the bar, which was fun to see everyone dressed up in their Halloween costumes, and yes I slept in until 11:00! I cooked a whole 2 meals for myself...and got to visit with Alix, and some of my friends. Saturday I had wanted to go visit Tanya in Edmonton, but then we got a snow storm... so we'll have to get together another time.
Adge... I have to say, we talked on the phone for TWO hrs! LOL... that never happens these days..and it was so wonderful to catch up with you! Her and JP are making a move in late spring...and one of the options are Edson...which is only an hr from me! My fingers *and* toes are crossed ;)
Thanx babe for letting me stay home without a word to try and change my mind. I really appreciated the time to myself, and feel like I'm ready to go non stop until Christmas now :) I love you so much, and couldn't imagine always having my house so quiet. It was nice for a weekend, but life would be so boring without you all in my life!! {hugs n kisses}
And what would a weekend alone be without taking a few pictures?

mmmmmmm coffee!

About 10hrs of scrapbooking!

A looooooooong bubble bath every day!

I have 2 of these in my bathroom, they are so relaxing, and smell yummy too!

Here's one of me, Tessa, Alix and Faye.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Need a good giggle?!?

Click on this link... I came across it tonight, it is so darn cute..... I had to share! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=1078875000 Let me know what you thought of it in my comments section :)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Here are pictures of our house!

Here is our livingroom....and that door is for Jaden's bedroom... and the one you can hardly see on the far right goes into Avery's bedroom.

Sorry this is a mumbo of pics not organized... don't mind the mess, all my scrapbooking stuff si spread all over my kitchen table.. but anyways it gives you an idea!

Can we say WINTER!?

So here is my little pumpkin that sits on my back deck. This first picture was taken about 5:00 pm yesterday.

I took this one this morning when I woke up!

This i took a few hours ago... and it is still snowing out there! CRAZY! Here are a few more snow pics...

Okay, I know I am nuts... but couldn't resist taking a few at the Tim Hortons drive thru! lol... look at all the snow!

Here is Avery's Belle Halloween costume! She hasn't seen it yet..she's in LLB...but she wanted so badly to be a princess :) Rene was getting Jaden's today...probably batman!

*** CAUTION *** picture overload

Hey all! First, I must say that having the house to myself has been very nice, and quiet, but after a day I am beginning to miss that feeling of being needed. I'm also missing hugs n kisses, and chatting with Rene and the kids. I still have a few more days, and it has been great for catching up with friends, scrapbooking... and this blog. So yup, overload of pictures coming up... don't say I didn't warn ya ;)

The kids were so happy when we made our final move to the new house around 9:30pm September 25th. Here they are in their jammies, ready to spend their first night here.

I brought Avery and Alix to Rotary Park to take some pictures one evening... it was a lot of fun... and I'll post more of them at another time...but this one of avery crying because she was just getting too tired to smile anymore...lol. If you look close enough you can see her crocodile tears.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Avery. I got it enlarged, and had fun scrapbooking it, and I'll probably have it framed somewhere in the house! I figure we can't go all summer without letting them jump into a few mud puddles, here are some of the pictures...

This picture was fun... She was standing in this huge mud puddle, and I got a neat reflection, so I cropped her out of the picture, turned it around and got this! What do you think?

This is Heidi, the cutie I babysit, and Avery playing Barbies! Not kidding you.. both of them are 2, and played for a loooooong time, and I never put them out for her, Avery found them in a box I had for when she got older!

Jaden was laying on Avery's bed, looking at books, and I got this one of his feet :) IT's so cute to me, even though they are feet (which I'm not fond of..lol) and the bedspread is girly, but I still like it.

Here's one of the kids making necklaces out of buttons, they love arts and crafts!

If you are still here, thx for taking the time to check us out :)

Layouts for Scrappershaven :)

Here are a few layouts I did using Paint for the Ironman Contest down at www.scrappershaven.ca Hope I can get them to load here... running out of time!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


That's right! Finally, after the big move... we now have phone and internet once again. It was a heart ache not being able to go online... wow! I have taken so many pictures in the last few weeks, and will post some over the next few days, so check back often if you like! Rene is going back home Thursda, Friday, Saturday, and coming back Sunday.... I will have tons of time to get familiar again with loading onto my blog :) Hope everyone is doing well! Here is an 'outtake' picture of avery, she wasn't too happy about being at Rotary Park, and posing for the camera, but just love her big crocodile tears
~ adrienne ~
Okay, gotta figure out that resizing issue... be back later!