Here are a few pictures from Jaden's sort of first day of preschool. Monday was the orientation...and I guess his official 1st day will be next Monday. He really enjoyed the orientation day. They had half the kids attend, while the parents went into another room to get all the info on the playschool. Jaden tells me as we walk out the door "Take wot's of pictures Mom, so you can scrapbook this" lol... oh he knows his mommy well.
I was very tempted to take a picture of Rene heading out the door this morning on his first day of work with Talisman. =) I haven't heard from him today, so not sure how it went. He went to his orientation yesterday. I thought it was pretty sweet, a lady he worked with at Exxon phoned today, wanting to wish him well. She said "I don't tell every husband's wife this, but your husband was one of our best out here, and I am personally sad for the company that they are losing him. He was an outstanding employee here, and I'm going to miss him... please let him know I called to wish him well" awwwwwwwwwwwww! He makes me so proud :)
We are leaving tomorrow morning for Edmonton. Our summer was a very busy one (rene worked 61hrs of o/t in the first 9 days of September!) we did do a lot of visiting in Plamondon, but besides that we didn't really spoil our kids yet, so we've decided that a trip to the zoo, and a night at Fantasy Land Hotel would make up for it! Check out the room we are staying in: http://www.fantasylandhotel.com/rooms/igloo.asp the Igloo Room! lol... Jaden is sooo excited to sleep in the 'igloo bunk bed' If the weather isn't bad, we'll head for the zoo in the morning, and then to Fort Edmonton Park in the afternon. Friday we'll go to a movie and to the waterpark. Looking forward to having some time as a family, away from the new job, new school, and the house. Have a good weekend everyone! I'll be back with a *ton* of pictures ;) heeheeheee!

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