It was a blast! Had such a great time relaxing and enjoying life with our kids :) It was our 4 year anniversary on Thursday so we packed up and head for the big city ;) We spent a few hrs in the waterpark, and that was (aside from my new purchase!!!) the highlight of our trip. Avery is naturally a waterbug, and was fearless...but her lips were so blue, it was such an ucky day outside, that it was pretty cool inside the park. Jaden surprised me, he was comfortable in the kiddy pool, going up and down the waterslides by himself! He loved it, and think he loved having the freedom of playing in the water without being too scared, or having us being RIGHT beside him in case he would fall in. After getting back to our very kewl Igloo room, Rene was kind enough to stay with the kids while I went into the mall and shopped for 2hrs ALONE :) ahhh nothing like shopping for nothing in particular. It was so fun, but I must admit my feet were sore when I got back to our room. We did the traditional room service for nachos once the kids were sleeping and watched episode 1 of Survivor. What a perfect anniversary! Friday we brought the kids to Galaxy Land, and then we went to make our special purchase. Rene stayed in the van with Jaden and Avery who were sleeping, and after comparing with Future Shop and Best Buy, I bought my *DREAM* camera!!!! It is an EOS Canon Digital Rebel XTi... just released this month! I got such an awesome deal through Japan Camera, and I know I'll be doing business with them again. I was treated so well, had excellent customer service (hard to find these days) and he even through in some freebies, which I would have never got anywhere else. Let me tell ya, I have been dreaming and drooling over the idea of owning a good camera for months now, and so the day came. I have had so much fun with my new toy... I have definately fallen in love with a "thing". So if you are still reading this (you are crazy..) here are some pictures from our mini-holiday (with my old camera) and then some new one's with the new camera. They aren't perfect yet, I have a lot to learn, but practicing is part of the fun ;)
**Tons of pictures, so I'm loading them to see a larger picture***