Friday, July 21, 2006

So glad I have my kids

I guess one of my favorite parts of raising Jaden & Avery is watching their intelligence grow. I remember what pride I felt, the first time that Jaden was able to walk across the livingroom. More recently, when I hear Avery say her full name "Avy Gwace Ewwack" I can't help but feel so proud, and also amazed that they are getting older and learning, always learning something new. Tonight I took out the book "Just Me And My Little Sister" by Mercer Mayer (My favorite books to read them) And Jaden says "Mom, there's a "j" for Jaden!" and that was cool, but not the first time he pointed out the letter J. But then he continues... "And an "a" for Avery.... and an "E" for Ernie, and a "D" for Daddy, and a "t" for truck!!!" I am not kidding you guys, I had tears running down my, I'm not sure why, but I couldn't believe it! I'm not even sure where the Ernie came from? Maybe Sesame Street?! Even Jaden seemed surprised with how many of the letters in that title that he recognized. I had to prompt him with "M" for mommy, but he remembered it was m, ending the word "bum" Don't ask, for some reason he knows how to spell that word?! I'm not sure.... but he's learning, and it's so darn cool being a mom, during moments like these! Have a good weekend everyone, and if you are a mom, take a second to think back at the last cool thing one of your kids learned, big or small.... and write it down somewhere. =)


Adrienne said...

I should have mentioned, that none of this is genius by the way... LOL, all very typical for his age of 3 1/2.... it's just the realization that he's getting older that is so awesome! Just thought I should clarify that! lol

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to be a mom, I am amazed every day at the new things I see my son doing. Today he laughed his first real laugh and I felt my heart surge, even if it may seem simple to others it was amazing for his Mommy and his Meme to hear.

Give those wonderful kids of yours a hug and kiss from their Auntie Nique