Monday, July 17, 2006

I swore I wouldn't do this.....

...and only post once in a while! So here I am playing catch up. Glad to see a few of you have started your own blogs (Monique and Rebecca) :) Sad as it sounds, it's great to keep in touch on your own time ;) That's kind of how I see it anyways. So what have we been up to? July has proved to be Crazy Busy for us, and for everyone around us too! I spent a week at my Grandma's cabin, with Jaden and Avery. Rene worked that week, and spent the evenings prepping our house to sell. It was a good idea, and he got loads done. We had a good relaxing week out at the cabin. The weather was pretty good, and just not having a phone (cell is less busy then hm phone anyways..) ring constantly was sort of nice. At one point I did get a bit bored once the kids were sleeping, and found a way to hook up msn to my cell, as well I dl'ed a few new ring tones =)

I had a Party Lite party at the cabin Thursday, and had so much fun. Got to see Adrienne, Renee, Destiny, Monique, and Henriette, and just have some good girly laughs. Thx for all the orders too, because I earned tons of free stuff! ChaChing!

Now we are back at home, and our house is starting to look less lived in, less personal, and less cluttered (not that I could get away with ever really having "clutter") I'm feeling a bit too sterile in my home...if that makes sense? But hopefully it shows well enough for our open house, July 27th. YUP, the ad goes in the local paper tomorrow, and hope to generate some more interest!! We've had several calls, but who knows how serious. I pray we get really close to our asking price. Our new house is going up pretty fast. They started to drywall today, and now our door is locked every night, so we can't sneak in it anymore and plan out where we'll set up our furniture =) Hey, that's part of the fun!

For anyone new to blogging, you can always click on pictures to see them larger, and you can leave comments at the end of my entry if you wish to. I'm still learning...hope to have things looking different soon, and would like to share links to other bloggers that I frequent :)


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