Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Wednesday

Avery was so awesome on this day.....she played with Cohen while i got some housework done....she is such a sweet older sister and very protective of her baby brother.

"Cohenator" should cut a tooth any day, see all that drool??

Something that makes me very happy is that I am able to stay home and raise my babies.... here's a couple shots of my little ones not yet in school. Avery is in preschool now, but only a few hours a week. I Love Em to pieces, and though life will be different when they are school age, I am fortunate to stay home, and get to REALLY know them as people. I love the little things that make each child unique! There's a little bit of "pressling" and a little bit of "ulliac" in all my kids.........

Don't forget I am away from my desk until Sunday, have a good weekend!

Thank you!

Thx to everyone who placed a last minute Christmas card order with me this week...........I ordered a total of 675 cards this week, not including my own which I still need to do. I wish I had tracked how many cards I ordered in total last year for Christmas, but I think this past week wins!
Yikes...time is running out. I hope to get some pictures this week of all three kids together, I was really holding out for some do funky colorful scarves and fun sweaters, but we hardly have any snow yet!! So I'll have to go with Plan B. I'll be away from my desk Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am going to the city to get ALL my Christmas shopping done! Girls weekend................I can't wait to have four whole nights of sleep, with no babies or kids or husband to wake me up! :)
With 2008 around the corner, I am both happy and sad. I am nearly done all the '08 sessions. Crissy, your wedding proofs are well on their way and you will have your album in time to share with your friends and family at Christmas :) I am also sad that I won't be able to book any photo sessions for the next few months...and at the same time, I am very excited to decorate my house and play with the kids during the entire month of December.... and all winter! We will be sure to take plenty of pictures. I have many fun ideas to try with Cohen now that he is sitting up :) I will be updating my blog daily.
I will be purchasing a new camera this weekend, so my Canon xti will be for sale... I will give more info and pictures early next week
Have a great rest of your week and weekend!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA lately.... I've been trying to prioritize all that is going on and happening around me. With the new baby I am spending extra time snuggling and cuddling... wishing he wouldn't grow quite so fast. Cohen is already six months old, and I'm trying to enjoy every stage as it happens. I have also been working on finishing up the final sessions of the year and getting orders put in before the Christmas deadline, as well as packaging orders up and delivering them. My blog happens to be toward the end of the priority list right now, but I promise it won't be that way for too much longer. I have also been spending more time at the school working on a side project. I will post more on that at a later date ;)

On a side note, some friends and I have been talking about getting together for weeks now and tonight it just happened. I enjoyed tonight, and it was nice to sit and visit over coffee and a few chips and guacomole! Good Times. I am so thankful for my friends...and we often talk about how blessed we are to have our families, and we truly are...but good friends deserve appreciation as well.... so thx to my friends who came over tonight, sat and drank coffe with me. They let me talk about photography (I'm sure they've seen enough photos for a long time!) vent about Telus, the County and U-Hall....... lol, and it was just plain awesome to be around you all again. We always say we need to get together more often, and we really do. We are all so different and bring something new and fresh to the conversation... so THANK YOU again for coming over and spending a Friday night with me. One of our many reasons for moving back home!

And what better way to end this post then to end it with a picture of my handsome lil boy.

xoxoox Adrienne

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Congratulations Crissy & Grant! It was awesome spending the day with you, your friends and families!
It is so powerful to be able to photograph two people so in love... though it was a bit chilly, you both heated it up no matter where you were!!!!
We'll talk again soon, and in the meantime ENJOY that honeymoon!