Gone 10 days, but it felt like a good 2 weeks! Enjoyed it, but again I am happy to sleep in my own bed :) I'm always surprised how much I love my house when I come home after being away, and it always feels nice to fall back into our 'normal' routine.........for a few days anyway ;) I am really excited for the day that we move back to our home town of Plamondon. It seems crazy and stupid to be constantly packing and unpacking...and invading my mom and dad's space. We love going back home so much, but it will be even better when we have our own place to call home, and visiting our parents will only require a baby bag, and not 5 suitcases and a million garbage bags full of stuff we *NEED* (I tend to over pack...lol) We thought life would be easier if we bought a camper, and just stayed in it when we visit...................... w r o n g. It just means more packing, unpacking...and a smaller place to 'live' in. I think camping is best when it is done in a campsite, and not in a field, or parked beside a house. It is also probably more fun and less hectic to go camping without a newborn. Don't get me wrong, Cohen was beyond good.. he really was, considering. But remember all those little things that come with a baby?!? Basket for all his blankets, warm clothes, less clothes, shoes, bibs, bottles, formula, bottled water to make the bottles, diapers, wipes... oh the list never ends! Anyway, we are now home in Whitecourt, and the plan is to be home here until my brother in laws wedding July 12th........and then we'll be on the road again :)