Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
9950 hits!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!
I can't believe it!! It makes a girl feel good knowing some of you out there are checking in pretty regularily! I would love to know who you are.... so please leave a HI comment in the comments area next time you get the chance :) I have some very exciting news to share with you all very soon............................. if the timing is right, I hope to reveal this piece of news right around the 10,000 hit.....................hmmmmmmmmmm might have to have a game with a give away?! :)
Just wanted to share a personal conversation Jaden had with me tonight..... he's 5 and his mind is going a mile a minute. I love the things he says, draws, and does! I love this age :) Rene had to work late tonight, and phoned to see if the kids and I would want to drive a half hr out of town to bring him some supper. The kids have never seen where he works and were so excited about checking things out. On our way...we drive past the mill, which stands out even in the dark with all the exhaust (or whatever it is) coming up from it.
Jaden: Mom! That must be where all the dad's who make clouds work!
Avery: YEah.... that's a COOL job, I wanna be a cloud maker some day
Jaden: I wonder how hard it is to make clouds?
Avery: I didn't know we could see clouds in the dark!
Jaden: Avery.............clouds are always in the sky, we just don't always seem them.
Once at the office Rene was at (more like a shack in the middle of NOWHERE!) there was a sign hanging inside that said NO HOODIES (as in the sweaters) it had a line through it....and I noticed Jaden looking at it and knew he would say something about it.
Jaden: Mom, look! That line through the sweater means no sweaters allowed in here!
*he asks for a paper and pen and starts to draw*
Me: Whatcha drawing Jaden?
Jaden: This is a guy on a skateboard (and it did look like a guy on a skateboard!) then he drew a line through it, and wrote the word NO above it (he saw the 'no' from the other sign) See mom, NO SKATEBOARDERS allowed in here!
I think he was a bit dissapointed that there wasn't a playstation in this office.... Rene always teases them and says he plays games all day at work.... when we got there Jaden was looking all over for it ;)
Just wanted to share a personal conversation Jaden had with me tonight..... he's 5 and his mind is going a mile a minute. I love the things he says, draws, and does! I love this age :) Rene had to work late tonight, and phoned to see if the kids and I would want to drive a half hr out of town to bring him some supper. The kids have never seen where he works and were so excited about checking things out. On our way...we drive past the mill, which stands out even in the dark with all the exhaust (or whatever it is) coming up from it.
Jaden: Mom! That must be where all the dad's who make clouds work!
Avery: YEah.... that's a COOL job, I wanna be a cloud maker some day
Jaden: I wonder how hard it is to make clouds?
Avery: I didn't know we could see clouds in the dark!
Jaden: Avery.............clouds are always in the sky, we just don't always seem them.
Once at the office Rene was at (more like a shack in the middle of NOWHERE!) there was a sign hanging inside that said NO HOODIES (as in the sweaters) it had a line through it....and I noticed Jaden looking at it and knew he would say something about it.
Jaden: Mom, look! That line through the sweater means no sweaters allowed in here!
*he asks for a paper and pen and starts to draw*
Me: Whatcha drawing Jaden?
Jaden: This is a guy on a skateboard (and it did look like a guy on a skateboard!) then he drew a line through it, and wrote the word NO above it (he saw the 'no' from the other sign) See mom, NO SKATEBOARDERS allowed in here!
I think he was a bit dissapointed that there wasn't a playstation in this office.... Rene always teases them and says he plays games all day at work.... when we got there Jaden was looking all over for it ;)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's SALE time at Photography By Adrienne!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Taking a little break....
It's been a fun and productive day! Brought Jaden and Avery to playschool this morning and Rene took me out for brunch. It was so nice to have some time in the morning to drink coffee and fuel up while we chatted about what we are doing this week. Drove by the new house.... picked out doors for our basement at Home Hardware and then picked the kids up. Drove them to the babysitters, and we've been working all afternoon. Put in 2 orders today, and worked on some photo editing.... Rene attached all the electrical plug ins in the basement and cleaned up all our paint mess from the last week. Our basement is almost done! Just waiting for the rug to be installed :) and the baseboards :) Here's a quick shot of Avery watching us work last night.... 

Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday Funny.... must read the comments too! Have a good Friday!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
24 weeks = 6 monthish?
Avery Grace

...hasn't been feeling so well this week. She doesn't look like herself at all, she's been feverish and started coughing today :( I feel so bad for kids when they are sick. She doesn't complain at all, just isn't 'herself'. She had her favorite snack, cookies & milk yesterday and since the camera was handy.... shot a few pics ;)
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Random Pictures.... and our BABY!
Ultrasound Picture from today..... my favorite image right now! :)

My bro, Sam
My bro, Jolan
Snapshot of the kids outside with Rene at Christmas!
Jaden and Avery got a really cool easel for Christmas from the grandparents and they can't get enough of it! LOL.... here's Jaden's version of Mario and Luigi on the wipe board! I don't think I could have done better!

My girl wanted to have her picture taken.... messy hair and all! ;)
Gotta guess who this is! ?????
My very understanding husband pulled our vehicle over so I could take a few pics of the hoar frost on our way back to Whitecourt. It was sooo pretty!

Jaden turned 5 and is doing all kinds of new things... he said now he can drink water and milk, and not just juice ;) It's a good thing...but funny how it's okay now that he's five! lol

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Grab a coffee!
....this is going to be a long one! I'm going to enter 2 posts. This looooong reading one, and a photo one :) For those of you who come here just to *see* pictures ;) I feel like it's been a long time since I've written anything here, personal or business. It was a really busy November/December for us. All sorts of projects on the go.... we are building a new house, finishing the basement in the house we are in now. We've been stalking for a good deal to Vegas, and trying to figure out if we can swing a trip before our third baby arrives. Jaden and Avery are in playschool tuesday/thursday mornings, and have skating practice Wednesdays. Both of them were advanced to the next level in the CanSkate program which starts up again next week. In November, I was fortunate enough to photograph my first wedding in Plamondon which was soooooo fun and a great challenge. Tues/Thurs afternoons my kids go to the BEST babysitter ever (They love Nicole and her kids!) while I work on photography. Our arrangements work really well for us right now...but I'm sure there will be changes to come in the new year. Our babysitter will be moving to BC :( and we'll have our next that changes things. I'm getting REALLY excited about having a baby around again! Today I went for a 2D ultrasound (tried for 3d but baby didn't get into the 'perfect' position for it) baby seems to be healthy! Moves a *ton* more then I remember Jaden and Avery ever moving. There was a small speculation that there could be 2 in there, but it was confirmed today that it's just one baby moving like crazy ;) Due date is April 25th unless this ultrasound changes things... guess I'll find out at the next Dr's appt.
Christmas was a blur. Seriously. It was nice and the kids of course enjoyed every second of it... we normally go to Plamondon for a week, and this time we were there for 4 days and visited as much as we could in that time, but felt the 'rush'. Not sure I can do this again next year with a baby.... ohhh my, the packing was crazy, and the unpacking! We were lucky to have good weather, and the kids really enjoyed sledding in my parents' backyard while we stayed warm in the house. Oh the joys of living in a small town! :) :) :)
Photography By Adrienne............ many new things coming up in the next few weeks. Designer Kim Townsend is working on the perfect logo for me, and I can't wait to have it finalized :) Once that is complete, I can finish the website and go live. It's all very exciting for me, and I can't wait to share! Last week I got a pretty little gift to me, from me in the mail :) I bought a funky camera strap for my new camera... I'll include a picture in the next post. You can find all kinds of funky camera straps on their website:
I think I've chatted about pretty much everything I can think of. I haven't mentioned anything about Rene.... hmmmmmmmmm well let's see. He's so awesome....he keeps us on track with all that is going on. If it wasn't for him, our basement would still be in the beginning phases of being 'done' He gets things done... I love that about him! He works hard all day, then comes home and works with me all night.
Okay, i better go tuck my kids into bed... Jaden is listening to "Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me??? Dontcha babe?" He's loving his "boombox" as he calls it, and Rene let him borrow the cd from his truck tonight. He's been dancing up a storm for the last half hour at least...LOL and I can hear Avery singing along with it....
Thx for checking in, and not giving up on my blog! I'll post an entry of pictures only once the kids are sleeping :)
Christmas was a blur. Seriously. It was nice and the kids of course enjoyed every second of it... we normally go to Plamondon for a week, and this time we were there for 4 days and visited as much as we could in that time, but felt the 'rush'. Not sure I can do this again next year with a baby.... ohhh my, the packing was crazy, and the unpacking! We were lucky to have good weather, and the kids really enjoyed sledding in my parents' backyard while we stayed warm in the house. Oh the joys of living in a small town! :) :) :)
Photography By Adrienne............ many new things coming up in the next few weeks. Designer Kim Townsend is working on the perfect logo for me, and I can't wait to have it finalized :) Once that is complete, I can finish the website and go live. It's all very exciting for me, and I can't wait to share! Last week I got a pretty little gift to me, from me in the mail :) I bought a funky camera strap for my new camera... I'll include a picture in the next post. You can find all kinds of funky camera straps on their website:
I think I've chatted about pretty much everything I can think of. I haven't mentioned anything about Rene.... hmmmmmmmmm well let's see. He's so awesome....he keeps us on track with all that is going on. If it wasn't for him, our basement would still be in the beginning phases of being 'done' He gets things done... I love that about him! He works hard all day, then comes home and works with me all night.
Okay, i better go tuck my kids into bed... Jaden is listening to "Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me??? Dontcha babe?" He's loving his "boombox" as he calls it, and Rene let him borrow the cd from his truck tonight. He's been dancing up a storm for the last half hour at least...LOL and I can hear Avery singing along with it....
Thx for checking in, and not giving up on my blog! I'll post an entry of pictures only once the kids are sleeping :)
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