This was the perfect ending to a HOT day! Besides running a few errands, and taking a look at the new house, we stayed inside the house until about 7:30. This was the first time they ran out in the sprinkler this summer, and boy did they have a blast! I had to keep reminding them not to scream TOO loud, or the neighbors might get upset. At first they were just looking at the water, then they'd be brave, and stick a toe in the water. Eventually, they got comfortable, and I think they liked being cooled off by the water...they were all into it! I couldn't resist going back for my camera, and catching some of this craziness.
Happy Birthday Wishes to Alix and Dorien today! My sister and Rene's brother are exactly 10 years apart. (21/31) The kids had fun singing Happy Birthday to their Aunty Alix. She's moving out this week, and we are going to miss having her with us so much =( But it's time for her. And at 21, I'm sure she'll enjoy living with her friends more then living with her sisters family. She won't be too far away, only a few minutes to drive to her apartment, but it will be an adjustment, not having her around.
We are looking forward to spending the long weekend with Rene's dad, Tracy and Jeremy. We haven't seen them in a long time...and always have a good visit when they come up. *sigh* all this company, hot weather, BBQ's... makes it hard to avoid eating hot dogs...pop, and difficult to get motivated to work out in this heat. It's been a bad week...hope to have a big loss next week however. I am down 28lbs now, and have a whopping 44 to go. I'm doing it....slow and steady =) Well I should get going...my basement is nice and cool...gonna hang out down here and do some scrapbooking. I leave you with some pictures of our fun in the sprinkler, and a color picture of Avery from the other day... G'night!