Sunday, October 28, 2018
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Loving the summer holidays, and the late nights, late mornings :) Tonight was different, Cohen ended up having an earlier night, and the older two wanted to spend some time outside. It's not that often they play together anymore, at the ages of 11 and 10...being a boy and a girl, their interests are quite different now. It was nice to see them getting along so well, and having a few laughs and giggles too. It doesn't seem that long ago when they were both crawling along on the floor together. Tonight they seemed so much older.
July 1st/2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We aren't ready for this!

Why does it seem that the older I get, the longer it takes for summer to come, and the faster it comes and turns to fall? Fall....what is that anyway? October 13, and we have snow!! yuck! Not ready for winter boots and mitts.... but I guess we have no choice in the matter now do we?? Glad we went for our annual drive to one of my favorite places around Whitecourt. I really wanted to make it there this year before all the leaves fell, and looks like we made our trip just in time! Here's one of the 2 older kids.... Cohen wanted nothing to do with being in the picture, even with the tim bits I brougth along for bribery!
We've been pretty busy at our house the last few weeks, busier then the norm. Avery started Sparks and loves it. She was sick today and had to miss the Bring Your Friend night and was pretty sad about it. She is LOVING school....and has an awesome teacher and a really great group of kids in her kindergarten class. Jaden is excitedly waiting to find out when indoor soccer begins, he can't wait. I am really enjoying his teacher and class as well.... the school is awesome, and I am happy that they are going to the school that happens to be down the street from us. He is learning to read which is soooo awesome! I *love* listening to him read his books, and seeing how excited he is getting about it too. I have teared up more then once listening to him read and can only hope that he continues to love it so much. Cohen, also growing like crazy and now 17 months. Our days are more scheduled now that the other 2 are in school and it works good for both him and I. He comes with me to the Millar Centre every day while I work out in the gym, he stays in the Child Mind room. I know he's busy, busy.... and so far so good. Still taking his afternoon nap right after lunch for a good 2hrs and in bed around 7:30. You'll have to Cohen, the next time you see him, to show you his "dirty look" it's hilarious! He's saying a lot, but still not understanding a whole lot of what he says...lots of babbling...and quite a few words too.
Rene had an eventful last few weeks with the purchase of a new company truck. He was struggling with deciding between buying a Ford or Dodge...and finally decided on the dodge. Not thrilled with the service he received, or the fact that the tires are not made for the kind of needed (got a flat tire his first day in the bush!) I wonder if he'll get a ford again next ;) I'm sure he'll get used to his new truck soon enough and all will be fine... I really enjoy it, and it's a comfortable ride.
I just finished week 2 of the Biggest Loser contest in Whitecourt. It will continue on until Dec 22nd when THE biggest loser will be awarded with $1,000.00 cash! There are weekly prizes as well, and it is all based on the % of weight you lose. It came at a good time for me, I had just purchased a gym membership at the Millar Centre and this has been a great motivation for me. After 2 weeks I am down 6.2lbs... so I am on my way down...which is very cool for me. It's going to be a long journey but I am really enjoying the work outs and looking forward to reaching the little goals along the way. As well as working out, I'm also working in...hahhaha as in my Photography Business. We are well into the busy season now and I can seriously sit at my computer 8hrs a day now working on sessions, ordering pictures, packaging them up, returning phone calls and's nothing short of crazy. Somehow I love it though.... so much so or I wouldn't be doing it! I'm looking forward to a few more sessions booked this month and hope to take 3 weeks off in December.
All righty, now that I finally updated this little blog with a few pictures and a REALLY long post... I am off to bed again. It's now 3:25 and I'm feeling a bit better... I think I caught Avery's bug...and fell asleep around 8:30 and got up at 1... tomorrow could be interesting! ;)
Thx for stopping in!
My baby is 17 months!
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